Friday, October 31, 2014

Tim Cook: Being Gay 'Among The Greatest Gifts God Has Given Me'

Apple CEO Tim Cook on Thursday announced he's gay.
“I'm proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me,” Cook wrote in an essay published in Bloomberg Businessweek.

The 53-year-old Cook has previously kept quiet about his personal life.
“I don't consider myself an activist, but I realize how much I've benefited from the sacrifice of others,” he added. “So if hearing that the CEO of Apple is gay can help someone struggling to come to terms with who he or she is, or bring comfort to anyone who feels alone, or inspire people to insist on their equality, then it's worth the trade-off with my own privacy.”
The announcement uniquely situates Cook as the only openly gay CEO in the S&P 500, according to John Browne, the former CEO of British oil giant BP who was forced to resign in 2007 after being outed. In promoting his recent book, The Glass Closet: Why Coming Out is Good for Business, Browne stated, “If you look at the S&P 500, there isn't one out gay CEO.”
While quiet about his sexuality, Cook has been a vocal supporter of gay rights, in particular laws that prohibit workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Philadelphia Adds Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity To List Of Hate Crimes

Philadelphia City Council on Thursday unanimously approved a bill adding sexual orientation, gender identity and disability to the city's list of hate crimes.
A last-minute push to expand the state's hate crimes law to include sexual orientation after a gay male couple was severely beaten by a group of men and women in downtown Philadelphia failed to gain sufficient traction before lawmakers headed home last month.
According to monthly Philadelphia, the bill was introduced by council members Blondell Reynolds Brown and Jim Kenney.
“Philadelphia is known all over the world as a city that celebrates and values diversity and we will not allow a few thugs to tarnish that reputation,” said Reynolds Brown in a statement. “It is shameful that this legislation is necessary in 2014.”

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Marvel "Phase Three"

Marvel has released it's Phase Three movie line up and it's quite the list.

Captain America: Civil War – May 6, 2016
Dr. Strange – November 4, 2016
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 – May 5, 2017
Thor: Ragnarok – July 28, 2017
Black Panther – November 3, 2017
Avengers: Infinity War Part I – May 4, 2018
Captain Marvel – July 6, 2018
Inhumans – November 2, 2018
Avengers: Infinity War Part II – May 3, 2019

As great as all these are, the one I'm the most hyped about seeing made and released, is Black Panther.

T'Challa, Prince of Wakanda, was one of my favorite hero's as a kid and I can't wait to see him on the big screen.
He will be played by humpy Chadwick Boseman.

Just for shit's and giggles, here's a goofy release of various Avengers trying to lift Thor's hammer.