Monday, July 25, 2011

USPS stamp to honor Harvey Milk?

From a news release

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has delivered more than 10,000 signatures from a petition supporting a Harvey Milk Stamp to the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee, which is holding its quarterly meeting this week in Washington, D.C.

"Harvey Milk was a lion of social justice. To see his likeness on a U.S. stamp would do this country proud," said Russell Roybal, deputy executive director of external relations at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. "Harvey Milk's courage, commitment and perseverance continue to inspire and inform people all around the world who fight every day for equality and our common humanity."

He adds, "Thousands have made their voices heard by signing this petition. We ask the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee and United States Postal Service to listen and do the right thing by choosing a true trailblazer, Harvey Milk. The Task Force is proud to partner with the Harvey Milk Foundation and International Court Council in this important and historic endeavor."

Read more story below....

The Task Force launched its petition leading up to Harvey Milk's 80th birthday in May, in coordination with the Harvey Milk Foundation and International Court Council.

"As one of the first openly gay men elected to public office in the United States, and as the first in California, Milk inspired a generation of activists and continues to be a lasting symbol in the fight for full equality," the Task Force petition said. "As a 2009 recipient of the Medal of Freedom, America's highest civilian honor, Harvey Milk has already been nationally recognized as a pioneer in the fight for civil rights of gays and lesbians."

Roy Betts, manager of community relations for the United States Postal Service, told, "I am pleased to respond that Harvey Milk is under consideration by the committee for possible future stamp issuance. The committee is responsible for reviewing stamp proposals and making subject and design recommendations to the Postmaster General."

On behalf of the United States Postal Service's Postmaster General, the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee ( CSAC ) is tasked with evaluating the merits of all stamp proposals. A public announcement about a potential Harvey Milk stamp will not be made until the fall of 2013 at the earliest.

"The committee decides on new stamp subject recommendations far in advance of the issue date in order to provide time for planning, design, production and distribution. Currently, the 2012 and 2013 stamp programs are completed, and stamp subjects for the 2014 program and subsequent years are being selected," said Betts. "Although many of the subjects for upcoming new stamps have been identified, no public announcement of individual new stamps is made until the entire stamp program for that year has been approved. This occurs in the fall preceding the year of issuance."

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force's Harvey Milk Stamp Petition on


Learn more about the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force:


Learn more about Harvey Milk:

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