Thursday, August 18, 2011

Batshit crazies Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul win Iowa Straw Poll,

Ron Paul the only GOP candidate who is even crazier than Michele Bachmann came in a close second in the Iowa State Fair Deep Fried Butter Corndog Gobbling Straw Poll. In fact together they garnered twice as many votes as all the others put together.

Iowa Straw Poll:

Michele Bachmann — 4,823
Ron Paul — 4,671
Tim Pawlenty — 2,295
Rick Santorum – 1,567
Herman Cain — 1,456
Rick Perry — 718
Mitt Romney — 567
Newt Gingrich — 385
Jon Huntsman — 69
Thad McCotter — 35

Sadly Mr. McCotter did not beat Newt as expected.

Sure Bachmann and her "I AM NOT A GAY" husband Marcus want to run the nation as a homo free Christian theocracy, but so do most Americans. God Bless them.

Ron Paul goes a step further. He too is an Evangelical Christian Creationist, but he does not stop at putting God in charge and voting against raising the debt ceiling as Mrs. Bachmann.

He also wants to make everyone pay for everything only with gold, eliminate the FED and let Citi Bank and VISA run the show, Eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment comp, workman comp, unions, public education, all environmental and financial regulations and for states like Texas, insure they can mount .50 caliber machine guns on the roof of their pickup trucks if they want. Which is pretty much the gist of his ideology. Allow the states do do whatever they want other than reinstate slavery.

On the up side, though he loathes drug users - he wants to legalize pot, cocaine, heroin, crack, crank and everything that begins with OXY... He also wants to pull out of our wars.

So there we have the two things that make him acceptable to all those young people living in their parents basements. RAVE NOT WAR!

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