Sunday, August 28, 2011

Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry Have Hijacked Christianity, Says Jay Bakker

Jay Bakker, son of televangelists Jim Bakker and Tammy Faye Bakker Messner, says GOP presidential candidates Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry have hijacked Christianity.

Bakker, who heads the gay-inclusive Revolution Church, told CNN anchor Don Lemon, who was hosting HLN's chat show the Joy Behar Show, that his church does not believe being gay is a sin.

Lemon, who came out gay in his 2011 memoir Transparent, asked Bakker his thoughts on Minnesota Rep. Bachmann and Texas Governor Perry, both of whom oppose gay rights.

“They're fighting for the Christian vote here,” Lemon said. “What do you make of that?”

“Oh to me it's irrelevant. I mean it's not – they're playing to a group of people who deal a lot with fear and using fear to control folks. To me I'm a person of faith and they don't seem to be pulling me in at all. You know, it almost seems like you're hearing people who believe in – and I've been accused of this myself – almost like, you know, these type of like fairy tales or type of things. And it's scary to think that these people want to, you know. I feel like they've kind of hijacked Christianity.”

Bakker said that by fairy tales he meant the candidates' decision to ignore science and archeology “because that's what people do.”

“They just pick and choose, you know, what they want to believe and what they don't want to believe,” Bakker added.

Let's get this straight, the GOP has resorted to lying, cheating and murder; by that I mean, they channel so much fear and hatred with their words, they cause suicidal tendencies in young gays or stir rabid actionable hatred in hetero males, that inevitable leads some to their death or to commit acts of deadly violence.
I rather thought the Bible said this was the way of evil/Satan?



  1. Even more frustating is the "silence" from churches and other religious organizations that don't believe all these fear-mongering hate. My folks attend a Methodist church, and though it doesn't engage in this type of bigotry it chooses to remain silent which in my opinion is just as guilty. It is so frustrating that as a gay man my family, and the millions of families around the world with gay sons and daughters, don't stand up and say enough of this fear mongering hatred!


  2. Sadly Gregorio, it's because people believe what they are told.
    To prove this is simple:
    How many who read this blog, know that the single one phrase in Leviticus, that is wielded against the gay community like a God engorged bludgeon of self righteousness, isn't even aimed at gentiles (non-jewish) These laws were written for the priest of God, the chosen race in other words Jewish men who are following Gods decree to minister too the gentiles.
    The real problem here, it seems few Christians actually read the Bible, they just believe what they are told and what they are being told is a lie.
    We are not bound by the laws of Leviticus, because no man can live by the law.
    Even Christ did not judge his followers by these laws, so how dare they!
    Just read them and I can guarantee you will understand what I mean.
