Wednesday, October 5, 2011

WTF? – Ann Coulter To Appear On LOGO- TV’s The A-List: Dallas (What Was Maggie Gallagher Booked?)

By Will Kohler

LOGO-TV the WORST LGBT Television Cable network will be having the WORST PERSON in the entire world on where the LGBT Community is concerned in a guest spot on one of its horrific new spin-off bore whore show The A-List: Dallas. (I truly hope that this is a P.R. stunt that blows up in your faces)

In a Press Release which seems like its written by GoFuckYourselfs GOProud LOGO has the NERVE to announce:

Hold on to your cowboy hats kids because there is a big surprise coming up on The A-List Dallas — an appearance from none other than Ms. Ann Coulter. While Ms. Coulter’s political viewpoints are a frequent source of debate, she has always been somewhat supportive of the gay community. In fact, Go Proud, the conservative gay organization, recently named Coulter “Honorary Chair and Gay Icon.” Gay Icon being the highest order in most political organizations – next to Class Treasurer and Historian.

LOGO Please, please, please fuck off and die!

You’ve become more than worthless. You are giving air time to one of our biggest enemies, and a vapid, lying attention whore and you are probably paying her also?

When I think of the quality programming we could have. Gay contributions to history, campy sitcoms, art, architecture , gay cultural trends, etc…, we get this lineup of LOGO trash.

LOGO = The New Gay Shame

BOYCOTT LOGO for OUR own good!

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