Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Anderson Cooper Mocks Kim Kardashian Divorce And Entire Kardashian Family

Anderson Cooper let it all out during his Monday show. The CNN host continuously mocked Kim Kardashian, who stunned, well, not too many people when she announced her quickie divorce on Monday.

"How could you not support a couple whose two day televised wedding on the E exclamation network, cost a reported $10 million and was subsidized by sponsors?" Cooper asked. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that is called the American Dream."

Cooper mockingly warned critics that their attempt to hurt the soon-to-be-divorcée through blog comments and the "Twitter machine" would prove futile. Cooper said that according to the New York Post, Kardashian sold the rights to her wedding for nearly $18 million.

"She's...laughing all the way to the bank," Cooper said. "She's laughing so hard that even if they locked her in the bank vault, deep inside the subbasement, you would still hear her laughter floating all the way to the street level where Kris Jenner would be in her Bentley double-parked on your soul."

Aww, yet another fine example of  the sanctity of heterosexual marriage.


  1. Bravo and Bravo to Anderson for telling it like we all think it
    Bravo !

  2. Hey, I woulda fucked Kim Kardashian for 18 mil.
