Sunday, November 27, 2011

Open Wide


  1. I think this is one of the very first, if not THE first, images I saw by this mysterious artist known as Ulf. I was immediately drawn into this world of unrestrained sexuality and an artist who proudly expressed these fantasies for the world to enjoy. I believe your art has a huge impact on men and I hope your imagination never runs out of ideas!


  2. I hope we get TYLER SAINT done like this for real - I want him screaming for hours upon multiple hours =for release

  3. Push him down with both hands even further

    and kiss him while you do to soften the screams !!!! haha

  4. Thanx Gregorio. I sincerely hope my dirty pics inspire men, the idea of that inspires me.
    Randsome, I'd love to impale Tyler on a traffic cone and as soon as he calls me and says he wants to hook up, I'll be more than happy to make it happen.
    Paul, it's even harder to scream when your biting their tongue.
