Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Fox News Asks Santorum: ‘How Are You Going To Get The Gay Vote?’

Last night, Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren pressed Rick Santorum on how he planned to secure the gay vote in Iowa, given his strong opposition to same-sex marriage and endorsement from Bob Vander Plaats, the ant-gay leader who compares homosexuality to a public health risk. Santorum — who himself has likened same-sex marriage to bestiality and almost every inanimate object — explained that gay people “have the rights of every other citizen,” before claiming they are immoral, unfit for parenthood, and shouldn’t be allowed to marry:

VAN SUSTEREN: How are you going to get the gay vote? How can you convince them that despite, you know, your views and his [Bob Vander Plaats] views, that you could — I mean, is there any way that you could convince them to vote for you?

SANTORUM: Well, look, I have nothing against gay people. They have rights of every other citizen. But what they did in Iowa and what some are trying to do, not all gays, but some are trying to do is change the laws of this country with respect to what the definition of marriage is….. But if there are differences, I’m certainly going to speak out on those differences when I think it’s in the best interests of our country to have laws that reflect having men and women raise children and form solid marriage bonds.

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