Monday, December 12, 2011

Fred Karger Takes a Turn Mocking Rick Perry

Rick Perry and his disaster of an antigay ad became fodder for Internet ridicule, Stephen Colbert dismantled its message, then a gay veteran posted his response. Perry was even heckled this weekend for running it. Now, Republican presidential candidate Fred Karger is mocking Perry in a new online video.

“I'm Rick Perry and I admit that I'm ashamed of making that ad about gays in the military and all," says Karger while dressed as Perry in his outdoors video, called "Strong."

"I guess I was just desperate because I'm low in the polls," mocks Karger, who is gay. "Now my video is the most disliked video in YouTube history.”

As of this posting, the Perry video had 19,792 likes and 637,791 dislikes. So it's still got a ways to go before claiming the title of most disliked, which is owned with more than 2 million dislikes by pop star Justin Bieber for his "Baby" music video.

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