Thursday, January 26, 2012

Crazies Try To Bash Gays With Fake Twitter Feed But Get Pwned By Cool Folks

From Queerty:

It was bound to happen—when a new form of social media emerges to help LGBTs around the world find support and community, some haters will inevitably pop up to trick and harass them.

Thankfully, its usually three to five years after the technology emerges. (Homophobes aren’t exactly early-adopters.)

In this instance, it’s @LGBTFacts, a Twitter account with a name and rainbow-laced logo that looks at first glance its supporting gay rights. But if you look closer, and read the almost zen-like bile the account tweets, you know they’re hardly on our side:

Homosexuals believe they deserve rights for sticking their genitals in places they don’t belong.

Homosexuals descend on Disney Land every year for a special day dubbed as “Gay Day” (to indoctrinate young children)

The account only has about 300 followers, so they’re not indoctrinating the entire generation. But as WebProNews points out, that didn’t stop some savvy, sardonic folks from turning the tables on these tweeting twits. They decided to turn LGBTfacts their handle into a hashtag.

And hilarity ensued:

The LGBT community uses that abbreviation so people don’t catch on to how fabulous a BLT becomes when you add gravy. #LGBTfacts

The homosexual agenda was completed on May 11, 2004. Currently active is Homosexual Agenda II: Electric Boogaloo. #lgbtfacts

Once someone explained what happened to the folks behind @LGBT what had happened (they probably had to use small words and repeat themselves several times), the haters were up in arms, referring to the humorists as “the #Gaystapo.”

Oh yeah, we’re the Nazis.

As of this writing #lgbtfacts is still an active hashtag, so go check it out–and maybe ad your own spin.
And I'm still laughing my ass off...I might start a new section on the blog called "Stoopid Redneck Tricks"
what do you guys think?

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