Jeff Wilfahrt, whose gay son Andrew (below, right) was killed in February by an IED in Afghanistan, has announced he will run for the Minnesota House of Representatives in District 37B, a seat currently held by Rosemount resident Kurt Bills.
Since the death of his son, Wilfahrt has been an outspoken advocate for not only gays in the military but LGBT rights in general.
The Rosemount Town Pages reports:
Wilfahrt, a former 3M engineer who is currently self-employed, spent a lot of time at the capitol last year speaking out against a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. In May he complained about speaking to committees whose minds appeared to have been made up long before he walked into the room.
Wilfahrt’s son, Andrew, was killed in February by an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan. Andrew was gay, and Jeff said in May he wanted to ensure people like his son can have the same rights as everyone else.
“I see it as a matter of civil rights,” Wilfahrt said in May. “It’s too late to stand up for Andrew. He’s dead and gone. But there’s a lot of people out there who are in a minority. There is an action being taken by the Republican majority to oppress a minority even further.”
Wilfahrt called the proposed marriage ban one of the most significant factors in his decision to run.
I remember this wonderful couple and their video tribute to their deceased son. What awesome parents they are to speak out!! I am thrilled to hear the father is running for office, he is EXACTLY the type of people we need holding elected office and less of these wingnuts people keep voting in!
If I lived there, he would definitely have my vote and I couldn't agree more...wonderful parents!