Friday, January 13, 2012

'Shit Homophobic People Say' Courtesy of Lambda Legal: 'No Spoofing Necessary' VIDEO

The pop culture phenomenon “Shit Girls Say” has spawned dozens of knock-offs including “Shit Gay Guys Say,” “Shit White Girls Say to Black Girls” and recently “Shit Straight Girls Say to Lesbians,” just to name a few. Now, Lambda Legal has released a video entitled “Shit Homophobic People Say.”

As the creators of the video point out, for this video there’s, “No satire or spoofing necessary, just 100% real commentary by antigay public figures.”

Among the folks spewing antigay rhetoric in Lambda Legal’s clips’ video are Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, The Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins and Ann Coulter.


  1. What a collection of nitwits! Anne Coulter! What can one say? Did you happen to catch her on an episode of A List: Dallas?

    The best I can say is that her hair is as str8 as she wants her men to be! (and it was done by her gay hairdresser)!

  2. I can't stomach A-list NY, why the hell would I watch it's sloppy seconds cousin?
