Saturday, February 11, 2012

All Hell Breaks Loose After Pastor Erects ‘Gay Is Not OK’ Church Sign

A south-side Des Moines church and its senior pastor are under fire through social media after he posted the message “Gay is not okay” on its marquee.

The Rev. Michael Demastus of Fort Des Moines Church of Christ said that over the past couple of weeks, he’s had several conversations with people about homosexuality. So he decided to make it the topic for his sermon this Sunday.

After writing the sermon, which Desmastus said will be the second time he has devoted an entire sermon to homosexuality during his 14 years at the church, he came up with the title: “Gay is not Okay.”

He put that message on the marquee outside of his church Wednesday morning.

And then all hell broke loose. A gay local snapped a photo of the hateful marquee and posted it on Facebook, which prompted someone to create the Facebook page “People against the bigots at Fort Des Moines Church of Christ.”

After 400 people joined the group within a few hours of forming, another Facebook page sprung up organizing a protest of the church during this weekend’s service. Nearly 300 people have confirmed they will attend the protest.

From there, both Christian and gay blogs picked up the story, which eventually garnered national press coverage. Nearly all of the publicity garnered by Pastor Demastus’ sign is critical, even among Christian press outlets.

Attention homophobes – your days of hiding behind the cloth and cross of Christianity are numbered. Hate will no longer be tolerated. If you can’t play by the new rules, kindly see yourself out.

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