Thursday, February 23, 2012

Even A GOP Elder Statesman Thinks His Party Is Hypocritical And Rick Santorum Is “Rigid And Homophobic”

From Queerty:

We generally don’t expect to find common cause with 80-year-old Republican politicians from flyover states, but former Sen. Alan Simpson (R-WY) made our afternoon by taking his own party—and presidential hopeful Rick Santorum in specific—to task for venomous attacks on the LGBT community.

In a recent Face the Nation segment with Bob Schieffer, Simpson—a right-winger who once said gun control meant “holding your rifle steady”—slammed his former colleague from Pennsylvania: “[Santorum] is rigid and homophobic…. In an interview in 2003 he mentioned bestiality [in connection] with gays and lesbians. I think that’s disgusting.”

You and us both, sir.

Simpson, a former Senate whip who now chairs the bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, also predicted the Republicans will lose the presidential election if they keep harping on social issues. Above, he tells Schieffer that, “if you get into these social issues and just stay there—about abortion and homosexuality and mental health,” it’ll be fatal to the GOP.

The Republican elder statesman also said that if the GOP is the party that preaches the “precious” right to privacy, “how then can they [embrace] the hypocrisy of fiddling with these social issues? We won’t have a prayer.”

From your lips to God’s ear, Senator.

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