Monday, February 13, 2012

Gay marriage is a question of equal rights, not religion

Peter Sprigg's response to Dan Rodricks' column supporting gay marriage was just plain silly ("Mother + father = biological fact," Feb. 9). To state that allowing gay marriage would put this country in a demographic crisis is difficult to justify on any level. Is he really seriously suggesting that gay equality will create a population crisis?

Japan'sproblems stem from decreasing birth rates and a low influx of immigrants. Our immigration contributes over 2 million people annually.

Gay women who want children often opt for artificial insemination. These children may not know their fathers, but they are in loving homes with supportive parents. In addition gay and lesbian couples often adopt children, which contributes to society by giving good homes to kids who otherwise wouldn't nave one.

As far as the "optimal" situation of having a biological mother and father, one has only to look around. The divorce rate in America is the highest in the world. In addition, many couples who opt to stay together for the "good of the children" are in reality doing their children more harm than good.
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The bottom line is this: To deny any American the right to marry is discriminatory. You can wrap all the religion around it you want, or spout all the "chicken little" theories that strike your fancy. But in this country to live "by the law" should mean equal rights for all.

Discrimination in America has been perpetuated by narrow minds since our country's inception. This just happens to be the latest form of it.

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