Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stacey Campfield's 'Don't Say Gay' Bill Advances

A Tennessee House subcommittee on Wednesday overwhelmingly approved state Senator Stacey Campfield's “Don't Say Gay” bill, the Tennessean reported.

The proposed legislation would outlaw the discussion of sexual minorities in Tennessee's public schools before the ninth grade.

A last-minute amendment offered last year by Republican Senator Kerry Roberts helped the bill clear the Senate with a 20-10 vote.

The amendment strikes out language that limited the discussion of sexual orientation to heterosexuality before the ninth grade, replacing it with language that limits the discussion to “natural human reproduction science.” Campfield said the language would stamp out discussion of homosexuality since gay people cannot reproduce.

(Related: “Don't Say Gay” Stacey Campfield denied service over anti-gay views.)

The subcommittee amended the House bill with similar language before approving the measure on a voice vote and sending it to the full Education Committee, which could act on the bill as soon as next week.

The amendment was offered by the bill's original sponsor in the House, Rep. Bill Dunn.

“What this amendment does is keep us in line with current curriculum,” Dunn told colleagues. “This bill, if amended, does not prohibit the use of the word 'gay,' it does not change the anti-bullying statute, and it does not prohibit a school guidance counselor from discussing the issues of sexuality with a student.”

The Rev. Thomas Kleiner, pastor of Vine Street Christian Church in Nashville, testified against the bill, saying it was unnecessary and “potentially harmful.”

Kleiner noted that television programs such as the ABC sitcom Modern Family, which prominently features a gay male couple raising their daughter, are being watched by children, who might have questions on the subject of sexuality.

Rep. Joey Hensley, the subcommittee chair and sponsor of the bill in the House, said he did not think that Modern Family was an “appropriate” show for children.

Only one panel member, Democratic Rep. Craig Fitzhugh, opposed the measured.

“It looks to me like a solution looking for a problem,” he said.

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