Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hatred's killing gay boys

Sunshine Coast Daily's Merryl Miller writes:

YOU might not have tied the noose or loaded the gun, but if you helped perpetuate homophobic hatred last week then you should share some guilt in the death of approximately 36 teenage boys in Australia.

Around 2200 teenagers commit suicide in Australia each year - the leading cause of death for those aged 15 to 19; higher numbers than those fatalities caused by transport accidents.

Nearly 80% of those dying by their own hand are males.

And - this is the statistic which worries me most - those males who have identified as being gay are two to three times more likely to be among those who committed suicide.


Well, sadly, suicide secrets generally go to the grave, but the reason behind these figures is probably a no-brainer.

Gay people are mocked and derided by society.

Gay people are bullied, especially in the school ground environment.

Gay people are, with regular monotony, assaulted by drunken thugs with a neck measurement larger than their IQ.

Gay people are told by those too ignorant to know better that they are aberrations of nature.

Gay people are told they should simply "change".

Gay people are denied fundamental human rights, such as legal recognition of their relationships.

It's a horrible and tragic indictment on our society.

Perhaps those gays and lesbians who are strong and self-confident and have been lucky enough to find love and acceptance within their circles can let much of the crap flow over them.

But put that sort of pressure on a young and vulnerable person, and we should not be at all surprised that they often crack.

Find it too hard.

Decide to end it.

What should surprise us, however, is that the tragic loss of precious lives, week after week, month after month, year after year, does not convince us to all behave a little better.

We have a lousy track record at treating gay people with a modicum of human respect.

Take a random page of letters to the editor in any newspaper if you wish to confirm my view.

You will find missives proclaiming that homosexuality is a damnable offence according to the Bible; that gays are an abomination in the sight of the Lord. (Insert appropriate book, chapter and verse here.)

It's all said under the guise of love, of course. Simply change your ways and be "normal" and you're more than welcome back in the flock.

These people also conveniently forget that it wasn't so many years ago that quoting from the Bible was used as a means to subjugate those black skins, and to keep women chained to the kitchen sink.

You'll also find those who proclaim that homosexuality is little more than a lifestyle choice. Worse - those adopting that lifestyle are also secretly conspiring to recruit new members through an overt celebration of just how wonderful being gay is.

Now I have plenty of gay friends. These are people I'm attracted to because they are intelligent, funny, kind and decent. Their genetic sexual preference is none of my business, and none of my interest.

I do know, however, that life for those attracted to the same sex is no party.

These are good people carrying a heavy burden; asking nothing more from life than anyone else. To accuse them of perversion and collusion is insulting.

Being born gay is no different to being born with red hair or blue eyes or fair skin. It is simply the way you were created.

So why do we not act accordingly?

Imagine the public outcry if hundreds of teenagers committed suicide each week because of the societal stigma of having red hair?

Or because the public hatred of those with blue eyes was overwhelming and incessant, and perpetuated by everyone from church leaders to politicians?

Or because those with fair skin were denied the right to marry or have children?

We need to let go of the homophobia, people.

It's wrong, it's dumb - and it's killing our kids.

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