Friday, March 30, 2012

Obama Will Turn You Gay?

This just in: Obama’s radical left-wing agenda is worse than we feared. In fact, his is the “most radical, ideologically-driven administration in American history.” Not only is he attacking religious freedom by asking employers to cover women’s hormonal birth control (you know, the way they already cover Viagra), but if Obamacare is allowed to stand, every man, woman, and child in America will be turned gay.

You heard it here first, folks. Straight from the mouth of right wing activist Mat Staver on VCY America’s Crosstalk last week. Here’s the full quote:

What we have is a president and an administration that he has gathered that is the most radical, ideologically-driven administration in American history and the ideology is very much pro-abortion and pro-homosexual rights and that trumps everything, it seems to trump the economy, it trumps national security. Of all the myriad of things that the president and the administration could be working on to make America a better place, to bring more jobs and so forth, they are working on these kinds of micromanagement things to push a very radical agenda that is anti-life and anti-liberty. It’s to not just satisfy the radical fringe that supports this administration but it is to satisfy the ideology that comes with this administration, it is part and parcel of what they believe and who they are. In terms of where the end is, nothing should shock anybody at this stage in terms of where this will be going. It is in-your-face forced abortion funding, in-your-face forced homosexuality and in-your-face a deconstruction of moral principles.

Forced homosexuality? Really? If you’d like to torture yourself with a full hour of insight into the frightening alternate universe Staver inhabits, you can do so on the Crosstalk website.

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