Thursday, March 1, 2012

Where Was Ulf Yesterday?

Seems that ol bitch mother nature decided that the torrents of rain we have been getting the last couple of days just wasn't she decided to dump up too 3 inches of the crap in less than an hour, right at rush hour when everyone was trying to get home (myself included) on Wednesday afternoon.
Needless to say, neither myself or my boi made it home that night and had to spend the evening at my brothers.
The really fun part of this whole experience, I live about a hundred feet from a lake and since no one we knew were able to make it home either, it wasn't until an hour ago, when we were finally able to get home, to see if there was any damage too my property.
Happily, there wasn't, tho the bridge we cross to get here is a little worse for wear.

The Sunoco where I get gas right before getting on the Interstate.


  1. Glad to hear you didn't have any damage! This weather of ours just gets crazier and crazier....funny, didn't some scientists warn us?


  2. Thank gods you are alright. And I thought that we had it bad here in Vancouver.


  3. If the worse thing I can complain about was sleeping on a couch bed in my brothers family room, then I'd say no harm, no foul.
    Sadly others can't say the same.
