Monday, April 16, 2012

Allan Hunsperger, Wildrose Candidate, Says Gays Going To Hell

Allan Hunsperger, an Alberta, Canada Wildrose candidate, is coming under fire for saying gay men and lesbians are going to hell.

Hunsperger is an Edmonton-South-West candidate and a pastor with The House church.

In a blog post written last June, Hunsperger criticized the Edmonton Public School Division for accepting gay students, the Toronto Star reported.

“[A]ccepting people the way they are is cruel and not loving,” he wrote.

“You see, you can live the way you were born, and if you die the way you were born then you will suffer the rest of eternity in the lake of fire, hell, a place of eternal suffering.”

Progressive Conservative leader Alison Redford called the comments “shocking.”

“If we have people like this making these sorts of comments in Alberta, I think that it's absolutely wrong,” she said at an event. “Of course I disagree with it and the fact that these are people who think that that's a legitimate perspective, just absolutely blows my mind.”

The blog post was removed just hours after Redford's response and with less than week before voters head to the polls, Hunsperger reversed course, explaining that “The views I expressed in this blog are my own personal religious views and were given in the capacity as a church pastor.”

“I fully support equality for all people, and condemn any intolerance based on sexual orientation or any other personal characteristic,” he wrote.
Can you say: "h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e."
This is how I see it, Alan is now possessed by a demon known as Santorum and needs to be exorcised of this harmful and smelly lifestyle choice.

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