Saturday, April 7, 2012

Rep. Donna Lichtenegger Posts Guide Describing Gay Marriage As 'Legalized Perversion'

Missouri state Rep. Donna Lichtenegger has posted a guide on Facebook which describes gay marriage as “legalized perversion.”

According to The Huffington Post, Lichtenegger, a Republican from Jackson, on Thursday posted a California to Texas translation guide on her Facebook wall.

“Due to the large number of jobs moving from California to Texas, Texas has compiled a California to Texas translation guide,” the guide reads.

The guide translates victim or oppressed to mean in Texas “criminal or lazy do-for-nothing,” multicultural community as “high-crime area” and same-sex marriage as “legalized perversion.” Another 29 terms are also defined.

Lichtenegger's Facebook page said she shared the guide on Facebook with Rep. Charlie Davis and House Majority Leader Tim Jones. Fired Up Missouri reported that the guide also made its way to the Facebook page of Rep. Anne Zerr. All three lawmakers are Republicans.

Davis told The Huffington Post that he was unaware of the posting.

“I can't help what other people post on things. I would not have posted it,” said Davis, who has since deleted the post.

As of Saturday morning, Lichtenegger had not removed the post.


  1. I went to Donna's facebook page to write her nasty things about her being ignorant or stupid, but I was stopped short of doing so. She is too stupid to even know what she's doing. The majority of her posts contain basic spelling errors that shouldn't be made by a elementary school student. While I appreciate the gains that the LGBT community and other minorities in our country have made, until education is the law of the land, bigots will continue to always hold a piece of the pie.

  2. I think what truly confounds what you point out so succinctly, is the fact that American society as a whole, revel in their ignorance and discourage education as something for nerdy elitist and the effeminate.
    It's the age old: "settle it with your fist" mentality prevalent in our culture.
