Wednesday, May 9, 2012

North Carolina Approves Gay Marriage Ban Amendment One

Voters in North Carolina on Tuesday approved Amendment One, the constitutional amendment which bans gay marriage in the state.
According to the Associated Press, early reports showed the measure easily passing with 60 percent of the vote.
The law states that “marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State,” ruling out civil unions and possibly domestic partnerships for gay and lesbian couples.
North Carolina had previously been the only Southern state without a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. The state becomes the 30th to approve such a law.
Evan Wolfson, founder and president of Freedom to Marry, described the amendment as a “last gasp of discrimination.”
“As momentum for the freedom to marry continues to grow in the rest of the nation, today's vote is a painful reminder of what happens when a preemptive ballot-measure is stampeded through before people have had enough time to take in real conversations about who gay families are and why marriage matters to them,” Wolfson said in a statement. “This amendment is a last gasp of discrimination that will cause real harm to families, communities, and businesses in North Carolina, but says little about the prospects for a better outcome in battles to come in states where there has been greater visibility for loving and committed couples and those who get to know them. And even in North Carolina, the long-term effect of this nasty attack will be to spur more conversations and open more hearts, helping more people rise to fairness and support for the freedom to marry.”

All I can say, having lived in NC for awhile eons ago, that this doesn't surprise me at all.  The place is full of "good ol' bois" and you can't walk ten feet anywhere in the state without seeing the Rebel Flag proudly displayed somewhere.
I've read on other blogs and news post, gay men and women responding by saying, all gay men and women should pack up a leave the state.
Now I completely understand this impulse, but would argue, now more than ever, more gay people need to move too North Carolina...fuck it, we should all move there (they do have some really great beaches) and lets not forget, it also has Camp Geiger which is one of the largest bases that train Marines and seriously, who wouldn't wanna fuck a Marine? 
Maybe there should be a gay agenda..we just all pack up, move to a state, force a popular vote on gay rights vote it in, then move to another state en mass and do the same there, rinse lather repeat until the entire country is finally acceptable to live in.
Just a thought, run with it.


  1. Ya know Ulf I kind of agree with you! Wouldn't it be something if we could get all the gays to pack up and move somewhere to create the change for equality we all desperately want to see happen?!

    And you are right, NC is FULL of nothing but good ol' boys (and girls, my folks had a neighbor who played the Southern "girlie girlie" card well but was a serious bitch.) Given the chance, they would take anybody LGBT out in the back woods and shoot us.


  2. It's pure fantasy men would never be able to reach a consensus on what state to occupy first.
    Then again, stating the obvious, we shouldn't have too.
    It's about time the Supreme Court steps in..fucking cowards that they are.
