Monday, June 18, 2012

Los Angeles Preacher Blasts Gay Pride Revelers: 'Stop Eating Your Poo-Poo'

Video footage of a right-wing Los Angeles preacher's disturbing (yet unintentionally humorous) anti-gay rant is making the blogosphere rounds.
"The anus was not meant for the penis," the preacher says in the clip, which was featured on Joe. My. God. He then declares, "Stop eating your poo-poo!"
The preacher, who has not been identified, was reportedly on hand to rebuke revelers at the L.A. Gay Pride festivities, which were held from June 7 -- 10.
"Thank God the street preachers showed up today to give a stern warning that God is angry with the wicked every day," he continues. "But you people continue on in your sin!"
I just love how this fucktard tells everyone to read Romans 1 which he supposedly means should support his condemnation of the homosexual lifestyle...when in truth these verses in Romans explains how God punished heterosexual men and women  who were having ritualistic sex at the temple (Paul even states with children) and as a punishment God changed their "nature" and caused them to have sex man to man, women to women (tho they were still heterosexual) 
As one Jewish friend pointed out, it could have been the other way around if it had been homosexual men and women.
Not only can't these people seem to read, even when they do, they seem incapable of seeing anything beyond their own bigotry and irrational hatred.

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