Monday, June 4, 2012

Mormons join Utah Gay Pride Parade

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — More than 300 Mormon church members who are not gay drew shouts of approval and tears from spectators while marching in the Utah Gay Pride Parade in downtown Salt Lake City.
The Mormons say they sought to send a message of love to Utah's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community by joining the annual parade yesterday. Their participation marked the first time such a large group of Mormons took part in the parade, organizers said.
The Mormons included fathers carrying their children on their shoulders and mothers pushing strollers, The Salt Lake Tribune reported.
Nevin Munson, 13, carried a sign that said, "Love thy neighbor as thyself."
"I'm very saddened by the amount of hate in the world," he said, adding discrimination against gays and lesbians exists around the world. "I don't believe in that — they're humans."
Emily Vandyke, 50, carried a sign with the words from a Mormon children's song: "I'll walk with you, I'll talk with you. That's how I'll show my love for you."
Along the parade route, she embraced a weeping woman who said, "Thank you."
"I haven't recognized them as equals," Vandyke told the Tribune. "They have been invisible to me."
Parade grand marshal Dustin Lance Black, an Academy Award-winning screenwriter, tweeted: "In tears. Over 300 straight, active Mormons showed up to march with me at the Utah Pride parade in support of LGBT people."
Holly Nelson, a 38-year-old lesbian from Murray, also had tears in her eyes as the Mormons walked past.
"I think it's amazing," she said. "It's been so hard to live in Utah knowing the Mormon church is against the gay community."
While the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not consider same-sex attraction a sin, it only regards sexual relations within the marriage of a man and a woman as acceptable.
The participation of the church members was organized by a newly formed group calling itself Mormons Building Bridges.
Erika Munson, the group's founder and a mother of five from Sandy, said the success of the event reflected the "deep wounds" in the community.
"We want to inspire other Mormons at the local level to do things for their LGBT brothers and sisters," Munson said.
Okaaaay...I know several ex-mormon gay men and the immediate response I get from them is: "They are up to something, the mormon church is VERY anti-gay"
I tend to agree with that as well, considering how much money the bois in funny underwear devoted too the fight on prop 8 in California. 
Just say'in


  1. I get in a lot of trouble when I say this but I truly do believe it: religious people are emotionally crippled. In this instance, the fact that these Mormons just "woke up" and realized that LGBT people are humans too kind of proves the point that the vast majority of religious folk can't think or rationalize for themselves. Shouldn't things like the fact gays and lesbians are humans too be a no brainer?! Hello!


  2. That's why Christian church goers are referred too as a flock, and it's individual members as sheep.
    Easily swayed and manipulated into doing as they are directed too do.
