Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Republican Party of Texas Really Hates Gay People

From The Towleroad: The Texas Republican Party platform 2012. They hate us, they really, really hate us.
We affirm that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown of the family unit. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans. Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle, in public policy, nor should “family” be redefined to include homosexual “couples.” We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin. Additionally, we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction or belief in traditional values.
Family and Defense of Marriage
We support the definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal and moral commitment only between a natural man and a natural woman, which is the foundational unit of a healthy society, and we oppose the assault on marriage by judicial activists. We call on the President and Congress to take immediate action to defend the sanctity of marriage. We are resolute that Congress exercise authority under the United States Constitution, and pass legislation withholding jurisdiction from the Federal Courts in cases involving family law, especially any changes in the definition of marriage. We further call on Congress to pass and the state legislatures to ratify a marriage amendment declaring that marriage in the United States shall consist of and be recognized only as the union of a natural man and a natural woman.
Neither the United States nor any state shall recognize or grant to any unmarried person the legal rights or status of a spouse. We oppose the recognition of and granting of benefits to people who represent themselves as domestic partners without being legally married. We advocate the repeal of laws that place an unfair tax burden on families. We call upon Congress to completely remove the marriage penalty in the tax code, whereby a married couple receives a smaller standard deduction than their unmarried counterparts living together. The primary family unit consists of those related by blood, heterosexual marriage, or adoption. The family is responsible for its own welfare, education, moral training, conduct, and property.
Judicial Activism in Marriage
We support marriage and oppose the assault on marriage by judicial activists.
Enforcement of the Defense of Marriage Act
We support the enforcement of the State and Federal Defense of Marriage Act by state and federal officials respectively, and oppose creation, recognition and benefits for partnerships outside of marriage that are being provided by some political subdivisions.
Marriage and Divorce
We believe in the sanctity of marriage and that the integrity of this institution should be protected at all levels of government. We urge the Legislature to rescind no-fault divorce laws. We support Covenant Marriage.
Family Values
We support the affirmation of traditional Judeo-Christian family values and oppose the continued assault on those values.


  1. We affirm that our practice of discrimination tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown inalienable human rights. Our behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths espoused by Jesus, recognized by our country’s leader, and ignored by the majority of rednecked Philistines.

    Nothing that differs from our perceived truths may be presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle, in public policy, nor should “family” be redefined to include anything unlike us, as it contradicts our blinkered outlook and suggests that we should change our isolationist, discriminatory way of thought, or indeed, takes a look at what the rest of the world says.

    We believe there should be a granting of special legal entitlements and creation of special status for discriminatory behavior, regardless of state of origin (but especially in Texas), in order that we can continue to insist that anyone who differs in any way to our narrow and unyielding perception of what is acceptable has an invalid lifestyle. Additionally, we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against such right-thinking people as ourselves.

    Family and Defense of Marriage
    We support the definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal and moral commitment only between people like us, thereby continuing the concentration and stagnation of the gene pool that got us where we are today, and we endorse the automatic, unthinking assault of anyone who thinks or states otherwise. We call on the President and Congress to take immediate action to defend our right to automatically gainsay anyone who disagrees with us. We are resolute that Congress exercise authority under the United States Constitution, and pass legislation withholding jurisdiction from the Federal Courts in cases involving the trampling of human rights, especially any changes in the definition of anything we feel comfortable with. We further call on Congress to pass and the state legislatures to ratify a marriage amendment declaring that marriage in the United States shall be defined by us, an anonymous group of Texans, whose beliefs are subject to change as and when it suits us.

  2. Continued...

    We will pay lipservice to political correctness by demanding that neither the United States nor any state (nor any country, as we've recently discovered that there is a world beyond Texas) shall recognize or grant to any unmarried person the legal rights or status of a spouse. We oppose the recognition of and granting of benefits to people who represent themselves as domestic partners without being legally married. We advocate the repeal of laws that place an unfair tax burden on families. We call upon Congress to completely remove the marriage penalty in the tax code, whereby a married couple receives a smaller standard deduction than their unmarried counterparts living together. This makes us look less like bigots, while also giving us a tax-break. The primary family unit consists of what we say it does. The family is responsible for unreasoning attacks on anything that appears to be different, or that may suggest the possibility of change or social progress.

    Judicial Activism in Marriage
    We support marriage only as we define it, we further insist that the entire country accept this, and we unanimously oppose any assault on any of our definitions by judicial activists.

    Enforcement of the Defense of Marriage Act
    We support the enforcement of the State and Federal Defense of Marriage Act by state and federal officials respectively, and oppose creation, recognition and benefits for any situation outside of our firmly held concept of what is right. We are so confident in this that we feel we can demand that the entire country agree with us, and as usual, no argument of any kind will be met with any form of reasoned, logical or debatable answer.

    Marriage and Divorce
    We believe in the sanctity of marriage (as defined) and that our unwavering perception of this institution should be enforced at all levels of government. We urge the Legislature to rescind no-fault divorce laws (except where it negatively affects us). We like Covenant Marriage, as it fits conveniently with our manifesto.

    Family Values
    We continue the tradition of hiding behind our interpretation of traditional Judeo-Christian family values and oppose the any assault on those interpretations.

  3. Great comments .Must be difficult to be gay in Texas with all that hate.They talk about sanctity
    of marriage,but its all right to cheat and be married
    three or four times for example Newt Gingerich
    and Rush Limbaugh.
