Monday, July 9, 2012

Anti-pinkwashing conferences whitewash anti-gay terror in Palestinian areas

By William Jacobson

I’ve written before about the latest fad on the American left, accusations of Israeli “pinkwashing.”
Various anti-Israeli left-wing professors and professional activists, including those who hold themselves out as part of the gay rights movement, hold conferences to denounce pinkwashing, the positive publicity generated by Israel because of its record on treatment of gays, which stands alone in the Middle East as one of tolerance.
Yet there is nary a word about the plight of gays in Palestinian Authority controlled areas.
These Invisible Men do not get conferences held for them, because they are an inconvenient truth:
“My purpose was not to show how horrible the Palestinians are toward their people, but rather to show Israel what its responsibility is toward them,” said gay Israeli filmmaker Yariv Mozer last month to an audience at San Francisco’s LGBT Community Center.
Mozer, 34, was in town for the screening of his film “The Invisible Men” at Frameline 36: San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival, where it won the best documentary award.
The film, which Mozer completed with his co-writer and producer Adam Rosner this past March after three years of work, documents the desperate situation of gay Palestinian men who illegally enter Israel and live in the Tel Aviv shadows….
Although there are no accurate statistics as to how many gay Palestinian men are hiding in Israel, Mozer emphasized at the San Francisco event that it was not a matter of a few cases but rather “a phenomenon,” as he put it….
Mozer chose to focus on the plight of these men through the personal stories of three individuals — all of whom sought help from the The Aguda – The National Association of GLBT in Israel. With the organization’s assistance, they received UN refugee status and the chance to start their lives over in a third country.

Yes, that’s right. Being gay in Palestinian controlled areas qualifies one to receive refugee status from the U.N. for protection and resettlement abroad.
There are no campus conferences for these Palestinian refugees.
To the contrary, there is a cover-up.  When a group of anti-Israel gay activists visited Palestinian territories recently, “the delegation was told to hide their sexual orientation from their Palestinian  hosts” and one of its leaders told an anti-pinkwashing audience upon return that “homophobia is irrelevant in Palestine as ‘it doesn’t take  away from the fact that there is an occupation.  We can’t judge a country  by its attitudes towards homosexuals’.”
Once again I quote Elder of Ziyon:
To these sick people, it is literally impossible for Israel or Israelis to do anything admirable outside the context of the conflict. The conflict is everything…. Anything that could blunt the demonization of the Jewish state is by definition as evil as the Jewish state itself is.

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