Monday, July 2, 2012

France To Legalize Gay Marriage In 2013

French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault on Friday announced that the Socialist government of President Francois Hollande would legalize gay marriage in 2013.
“The government has made it an objective for the next few months to work on implementing its campaign commitments on the fight against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity,” Ayrault's office said in a statement, Reuters reported.
Dominique Bertinotti, junior minister for families, told Le Parisien that gay couples would be allowed to marry and adopt children together “within a year.”
“They will have the same rights and duties as any married couple,” she said.
The Socialist Party of Hollande won a commanding parliamentary majority on June 17.
Currently, France recognizes gay couples with PACS, a form of domestic partnership which offers significantly fewer protections for gay couples than marriage.
The government also plans to hold discussions later this year on transgender rights, specifically easing complicated name and sex change policies.

1 comment:

  1. Comme beaucoup de promesses électorale, elle ne sera pas tenue. Il se peux même qu' "ils" fassent le contraire !
