Thursday, September 6, 2012

Gay Couple’s Obama Love Bug Pulls Into DNC

Luke Montgomery and Eduardo Cisneros wanted to make a big statement about marriage equality at the Democratic National Convention this week. So the couple covered every inch of their 2010 VW Beetle with more than 1,000 “Legalize Love” Obama bumper stickers and set out on a 2,400 mile cross-country journey from their L.A. home to give away even more of the bumper stickers at the DNC in Charlotte, N.C.
During the state-by-state journey, the couple admits they were greeted with hundreds of honks and “thumbs-up” from supporters. As they passed through red and blue states alike, they experienced just one negative incident in which they were harassed and called “faggots.”
Progress? Definitely.
And as the couple pulled into Charlotte this week, they say that they hope by giving away thousands of the “Legalize Love” stickers to delegates (the “O” in “Love” is replaced with the Obama logo), they can help show support for the president’s own backing of marriage equality – not to mention celebrate its inclusion in this year’s Democratic platform.
“We simply want the right to marry like everybody else,” says Cisneros. “We’re both excited to be here in Charlotte giving away free ‘Legalize Love’ bumper stickers. It’s going to be a tight race and the Obama Love Bug is all about going the extra mile and keeping anti-gay Mitt Romney out of the White House. The President is sticking up for our families.”
Montgomery adds: “Republican Super PACs are throwing millions of dollars at the Romney-Ryan campaign. We must do our part so that an inequality of campaign cash doesn’t lead to inequality for lesbians and gays. Romney might think cash is king – but is out to prove love conquers all.”
Clad in blue “Legalize Love” T-shirts, the couple has been driving the streets near the convention passing out free bumper stickers and taking photos with delegates since yesterday. If you’re at the convention and want to see them for yourself – just text 310-663-7871 to find out their exact location.
These indie activists are also rallying support on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. And the website, with the goal of giving away 100,000 bumper stickers, is donating the first 10,000 free and inviting the public to participate in helping raise funds for the rest.
“Romney and Ryan are one same-sex couple that will be a disaster for the rights of millions of same-sex couples,” says Montgomery. “We hope people join us in saying ‘I do’ to equal marriage rights and Obama.”
Here’s a message from Legalize Love:

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