Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mitt In The Shit...Yet Again

I'm betting ol' Mitt wishes he was on the planet Kolob right now, considering the shit storm he's enduring.
All the fake smiles in the world can't cover up the fact, his solution for the economy, is the utter impoverishment of what he perceives as the lowlife, worthless, lazy people..you know, the poor and indigent.
His plan...take away their food, medical assistance and financial aid and force them (when they get hungry) to get jobs, you know, the ones, by his own account, don't exist because of Obama's poor management skills as President.
What a piece of work Mitt is and all those poor billionaires still so needy of financial appeasement, they are willing to sell the country right out from underneath us and drive millions of Americans out on the streets, homeless, jobless and penniless.
Yup, the Republicans have truly outdone themselves this time. 
Here, enjoy watching Mitt squirm while the media feeds on his carcass.


  1. But WHY do poor and working class people vote for these creeps? Is the US education system so bad that they don't know anything about what's going on? It boggles the mind...

  2. People vote for these creeps, because they don't want to think.
    The Republicans play on their fears, pelting them with right out lies and pumped up patriotism and self righteous, religious furor.
    Basically, they turn the whole thing into an "Us vs Them" scenario...and, yeah, it's pretty fucking juvenile.

  3. I bet he could not wait to get off stage so he could clean the load out out his underwear. He was definitely unloading during this press conference.

  4. Planet Kolob!!!! Laughing my ass off!!!!
