The incident took place in Janesville, Wisconsin, Ryan's hometown around Sept. 2011. While walking with his family to the Janesville Labor Day Parade, Ryan is approached by an unnamed man who attempts to start a conversation. Ryan declines, apologizes, and says that the event is about to start. He then walks away. The man proceeds to follow him and asks Paul Ryan this question:
So what should I have to work for to get a job? Should I have to work for the same wages as in China? Should I have to work for one dollar an hour?
Have a nice day, alright? Would you like some candy?
What a fucking prick Ryan proves himself to be yet again! This man asked a legitimate and valid question and Ryan not only refused to show interest by giving him a proper answer he actually showed that he did not and does not care about that individual or any other citizen in our Nation. This adds to the proof that both Ryan and Romney are out of touch, bigoted, and unfit to lead the United States of America!