Monday, October 8, 2012

Will UK's David Cameron Turn His Back On Gay Marriage?

British Prime Minister David Cameron is being urged to drop his proposal to legalize gay marriage in Britain by 2015.
According to the UK's the London Evening Standard, a large percentage of Conservative Party members believe Cameron should abandon the proposal.
A ComRes study released on Sunday found that 71 percent of Tory constituency chairmen oppose the proposal and 41 percent believe the prime minister's support is hurting the party which he helms.
Colin Hart, campaign director for the Coalition for Marriage (C4M), which is working to derail the proposal, said: “What this latest poll reflects is the growing unease amongst grassroot Conservatives about the way the PM is trying to force through this policy without any electoral mandate and without any acknowledgment of the profound consequences this change will have.”
“If the PM continues to press ahead with this deeply unpopular, radical and profoundly undemocratic proposal, then he can expect to pay the price for this at the ballot box,” Hart added. “The prime minister, who has made a virtue of ditching unpopular or disastrous policies, cannot ignore the mounting opposition to redefining marriage. This includes his own constituency, his own party and increasingly in our country.”
Cameron, however, has shown strong support for the measure.

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