Saturday, November 17, 2012

Franklin Graham Claims Gay Marriage 'Takes The Family Away'

Franklin Graham, the son of evangelist Billy Graham, believes gay marriage “takes the family away.”
In a Brody Files interview, Graham told host David Brody that President Barack Obama's second term “will usher in the largest changes in our society since the Civil War.” His reelection is proof that Americans have “turned our back on God,” Graham said.
Graham and his famous father strongly backed Mitt Romney's presidential aspirations. In full-page ads taken out in key battleground states such as Ohio, Billy Graham urged readers to “vote for candidates who support the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman, protect the sanctity of life and defend our religious freedoms.”
Gay marriage, Franklin Graham said on the program, threatens society because it “takes the family away and there is no way you can have a family with two females or two males. If you just think biologically how God made us, our plumbing is completely different.”
“There is no room for us to consider gay marriage or same-sex marriage, that is redefining what God gave us,” he said.

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