Friday, November 16, 2012

Joseph Backholm Laments Washington Gay Marriage; Says Kids Lost

Joseph Backholm, the director of the Family Policy Institute of Washington, believes gay marriage will hurt children.
The Family Policy Institution was a pivotal player in the unsuccessful campaign to block a Washington state law legalizing marriage for gay and lesbian couples from taking effect.
In comments to CitizenLink, a publication of the Christian conservative Focus on the Family, Backholm lamented the loss.
“This debate does not end here, but it's unfortunate that a majority of our state has concluded that the institution of marriage exists solely to ratify the emotional connection of adults,” he said. “As is always the case when adults decide they're the most important people in the world, it's the kids that will lose.”
Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), which was deeply involved in the campaign to repeal the marriage law, told the publication that the loss was due to a fundraising shortfall in a deep blue state.
“We had been outspend two to one in North Carolina [in May], and were able to win, but the margins here were around four to one. In Washington state, they raised over $14 million,” Brown said.
These morons just don't get it, it's not about how much money you throw at something, (being republicans, I can see how they tend to focus only on that) when it came down too it, voters in Washington, voted their conscious and didn't succumb to dated religious dogma and bigotry.

1 comment:

  1. gaydar alert, look at this guy. That alarm is ringing off the hook.
