Monday, December 31, 2012

Warwick University Rowing Club Naked Calendars 2013

The rowing team of the University of Warwick has made quite a splash this year with a pair of popular naked calendars. Complete with risqué poses and cleverly covered private bits, members of the men's and women's rowing teams from the U.K. university are letting it all hang out in the racy calendars... coxswains and all.
Though the sexy photo shoot has become a bit of tradition for the men's team, this was reportedly the first year that the women's team stripped down for a calendar of its own.

The men's team has promised that a portion of their profits will go to the Ben Cohen’s StandUp Foundation, an organization dedicated to fighting the bullying of LGBT kids.
"Ben's foundation tackles bullying, and particularly homophobic bullying, in both the U.K. and the U.S. We were really delighted to find out about Ben's work -- like Ben, we have had a huge amount of support from the gay community over the last four years, and this is our way of saying thank you. No h8!" the team wrote on its Crowdfunder fundraising page.

They have raised approximately $6,000 so far.
But before you reach for your pocketbooks, be warned: the men's team calendars are all sold out. Fortunately, there are still plenty of photographs that are still available on the team's website. The women's calendar is also still available.
Perhaps anticipating the overwhelming response, the men's team have also put together a short film, naughtily titled "Brokeback Boathouse."
“Discover the unpixellated truth about what happens when sportsmen get together and get naked,” says a teaser for the video, which is available online for about $16.
Though the rowing teams have received plenty of support for their fundraising effort, The Huffington Post UK notes that public reaction to the calendars this year -- particularly to the women's version -- has not been entirely positive, with some criticizing the students for selling semi-pornographic material.
The students, however, are standing tall amid the controversy.
"It's grossly unfair," Hettie Reed, one of the many nude stars of the women's rowing club's calendar, told the HuffPost UK. "Our men's calendar has received none of this kind of attention. It is much easier for a woman to be labelled a 'slut' than a man and this attitude has seemingly filtered down into the naked calendar market."
"The whole concept of a naked calendar is to raise money for worthy and meaningful charities through a bit of harmless nudity, and I do think it is really sad that there are people out there who are willing to criticize and insult these efforts," she added.

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