Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pat Buchanan: Stonewall Was Just A 'Barroom Brawl'

Conservative Pat Buchanan has dismissed President Barack Obama's second inaugural speech as “pedestrian” and “not uplifting.”
In an appearance on Fox News, Buchanan specifically took aim at the president's mention of gay rights.
During Monday's inauguration ceremony, Obama connected historic events in the suffrage movement, the black civil rights movement and the gay rights movement when he mentioned Seneca Falls, Selma and Stonewall.
The Stonewall Inn is the Greenwich Village gay bar where a police raid was met with resistance by gay men and drag queens in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, triggering the modern gay rights movement.
“This is a cross between State of the Union speech with an agenda and a partisan rally given to the DNC,” Buchanan said. “And so, I think, the president lost a real opportunity. Look, they usually talk about what? When I was a kid: Lexington and Concord and Bunker Hill. What was he talking about? Stonewall. That's a barroom brawl in Geenwich Village in 1969, when cops were hassling gays in their bar, and the gays fought back and threw them all out. Does that belong in a presidential inaugural?”

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