Monday, February 4, 2013

Mormons To Supreme Court: Banning Gay Marriage Essential To Society

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) is urging the Supreme Court to uphold the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and Proposition 8, California's 2008 voter-approved gay marriage ban.
The Supreme Court will hear 2 cases in March challenging the constitutionality of each statute.
Lawyers for the LDS Church drafted the briefs on behalf of the National Association of Evangelicals, the Southern Baptist Convention, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, the Romanian-American Evangelical Alliance of North America, Truth in Action Ministries and the Mormon Church.
In a friend of the court brief in support of DOMA filed last week, lawyer Von Keetch argued that the “opposite-sex definition of marriage in the civil law is not only constitutional but essential to the welfare of families, children and society.”
Keetch wrote in the Proposition 8 brief that voters “violated no one's civil rights when they adopted Proposition 8. Their twice-expressed preference for the traditional definition of marriage over an untested rival conception was thoroughly rational. It is therefore thoroughly constitutional.”
The LDS Church has faced protest over its heavy involvement in passage of Proposition 8.
Ha, so much for the Mormon church saying they are gay supportive and most other religions, a bunch of bigoted, self serving exploitative bastards and those are their good qualities. 

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