Monday, March 25, 2013

Souless Twat Linda Harvey: Living Life Without A Brain

Speaking on a radio bulletin, anti-gay radio presenter Linda Harvey has claimed that gay people don’t exist, are living a “sad delusion”, and that they would be happier if they “embraced reality”.
The Ohio-based Mission America radio host went on to say that homosexuality had become “a gateway issue”, for young people who “erroneously” see gay rights as a civil rights issue.
She affirmed her belief that homosexuality is “not a civil right”, citing her Christianity for her reasons for being anti-gay.
She said: “Many people are now stating publicly what some have privately believed for years that, especially for our youth, homosexuality has become a gateway issue, erroneously said to be a civil rights issue, and so Republicans are being pressured to embrace the LGBT agenda.
“But the truth is still true. If our youth heard a clear exposition about this issue, which the major media in our country seldom allow, many would embrace the conservative and even Christian view.
“It’s not hateful to oppose homosexuality since no one is born this way. Even if a person swears that they’ve always been this way and could never change, that does not mean it’s true.”
She continued: “Human history is replete with examples of folks who spent years believing something or other was their destiny and it turns out to have been a sad delusion and life could be very different if they embraced reality.
“Homosexuals are confronted every day with the plain truth of God’s design of their bodies. It’s not marriage, it’s not a positive lesson for kids and it’s not a civil right.”
Harvey recently attacked the Girl Scouts of the USA, claiming that it “supports homosexual lifestyles”, and because it “features homosexuals in some of their materials”.
She also said that churches should be more proactive in opposing equal marriage, in the same way they fought to abolish slavery.
She previously praised countries which refuse to decriminalise homosexuality and said that the “radical” effort of the White House to achieve equal human rights was a “humanitarian disgrace”.
The Christian radio host in December said that same-sex marriage encourages children to have gay sex and that gay people aren’t human and should therefore not be protected under the US constitution. She also claimed that Jesus could be forced to marry another man if he was resurrected.

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