Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Face Of Bigotry

Dr Benjamin Carson, a neurosurgeon with Johns Hopkins University and a conservative speaker, has come under fire for comments made on Fox News comparing gay people to a pedophilia advocacy group, as well as to bestiality.
On Tuesday Dr Carson appeared on Fox News, and told the show’s host, Sean Hannity: “My thoughts are that marriage is between a man and a woman. It’s a well-established, fundamental pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association), be they people who believe in bestiality–it doesn’t matter what they are–they don’t get to change the definition.”
The remark sparked outrage due to the apparent comparison of same-sex marriage to pedophilia and bestiality.
Students at Johns Hopkins University, where Dr Carson is scheduled to give a commencement address, arranged a petition for him to be pulled from the role.
The Health and Human Rights Student Group wrote: “We retain the highest respect for Dr. Carson’s achievements and value his right to publicly voice political views. Nevertheless, we feel that these expressed values are incongruous with the values of Johns Hopkins and deeply offensive to a large proportion of our student body.”
Dr Carson told MSNBC News that he would consider pulling from the commencement address: “This is [the students'] day and the last thing I would want to do is rain on their parade.”
He went on to defend himself against allegations of anti-gay speech, saying that when he referred to gay people, NAMBLA, and bestiality: “I wasn’t equating those things, I don’t think they’re equal. If you ask me for an apple and I give you an orange you would say, that’s not an orange. And I say, that’s a banana. And that’s not an apple either. Or a peach, that’s not an apple, either. It doesn’t mean that I’m equating the banana and the orange and the peach. In the same way I’m not equating those things.”
My response to that drivel...then why make the analogy on national TV if it wasn't what you really meant to do, unless of course, your inherently stupid (something I doubt since he's a neurosurgeon) or he carefully chose his words to be as inflammatory as possible too get his message of intolerance across.
Your a bigot Dr. Carson, no matter how else you'd like to paint it.


  1. Every time another Anita opens their mouth, they show how bigotry looks, which helps define the debate for equality. Behind the mask of religion, they're saying "You don't have the right to marry because you don't have the right to love". But, are the guys on your site really ready to "forsake all others"? They ain't baking cupcakes for church.

  2. Bullshit, I know plenty of church going fags. This being Sunday morning and Easter, my own boi is at early morning mass so he can get his ass back home in time for me to skull fuck him in his Sunday best before fixing me a fine Holiday meal.
    Domesticity does have it's rewards and civil rights, whether you use them or not, should be available to all it's citizens, not withheld from a select few because it makes someone else feel all icky.
    Now I'm gonna go eat one of them cookies my boi made for his church bake sale.

  3. Ah, but you didn't go with him, you were busy looking at other guys dicks. That is your nature, dear morsel, as it is with so many of us. Most men want to do what most women would file charges over. And what was he praying for? For you to ask his hand in marraige? To forsake all other dicks? For you to see him as a man instead of a boi? To believe that with his (or your) last gasping breath you would be together. So often, we find out what we want by finding out what we don't. A question of balance; of what we are willing to strive, settle, or suffer, personally and socially.
    I enjoy your site, you have motives beyond just getting cross-eyed for sauce, but I look because I'm not interested in a personal relationship. Were that the case, this would be a pointless distraction from that reality. So yes, everyone is equal and deserves to be treated as such, but I understand why some look at certain behavior and refuse to accept with open arms. So when you are through eating your man's cookies, tell him, with honor and dignity, how much you love him. Because when we leave this world, all we take is our faith that something lies beyond, and all we leave behind is what other people think about us. Always a choice.

  4. I'm an erotic artist because I'm always horny and personally I'm more an assman, I post the dicks for JD (and a few other good bois)
    I think after 30 years, JD understands all to well how I feel about him. (probably better than I do)
    I agree tho, gay men can be their own worse enemies.
    I attribute this to the lack of self respect, something that has been pounded into most since they and others, realized they were not like the other bois and of course, by serpent tongued gay men who live on creating misery and strife with a hoary host of verbal quips and endless diatribes on the failings of others they consider intellectually below them.
    I grew up with the very limiting forces of religious oppression.
    As for marriage, it in itself means little to me, it's more about a civil right being denied for no other reason than religious dogma.
    That said, if it were legal and JD expressed an interest, I would most certainly do it, if for no other reason than to make him happy, something I'm sure he realizes, I would make him pay dearly for ; )

  5. All torment aside, this was very well conceived and spoken. It was refreshing to read. I honor love and respect those that abide and nurture it. I have felt it beyond words, but for ten years I have chosen to focus on my writing and art. I've been out since the age of fifteen, going to P-House in Orlando with my cousin back in '74. I marched with hundreds up Peachtree in Atlanta back in '78. I did the ILC in Chicago in the early '80's. I have done my share, written my articles, and fought the fight for rights. Eleven years ago I rescued three dogs, and every day since, they have rescued me. With one being sixteen, I know time is short and so I am devoted. My house in the mountains is a place of peace and contentment, my friends are mature and platonic. Any further change I effect will be done quietly. Though I go to the gym, pretty is in the rear view mirror. It's a strange relief. Meanwhile, I have enjoyed this communication, your art is skillfuly crafted, your passion is obvious. Perhaps you could show some non-erotic art sometime. Though I'm still rather over-sexed, I'm down to once a day, which free's up time for other interests. I would prefer you not post this, as your last comment was a perfect summation. Now, I have been as honest and forthcoming as I can in this format. I will continue to enjoy your posts, knowing that you can 'walk the walk', but I'm ready for a bit more fun, for all it is worth, so now to the other article. Take care. B
