Russian President Vladimir Putin appeared in a press conference in Amsterdam on Monday and said that his country does not discriminate against gay people, Reuters reports:
"In the Russian Federation - so that it
is clear to everybody - there is no infringement on the rights of sexual
minorities. These people...enjoy all the same rights and freedoms as
everyone else."
As a US citizen, I hardly feel that I can criticize Russian political policies that treat homosexuals as second class citizens, when my own government does the same.
Please don't delude yourselves, I seriously doubt the Supreme Court is going to make any kind of sweeping change in favor of gay civil rights, and as pretty as the media may want to paint the poll stats, the conservatives are right, 30 states have amended their state constitutions banning same sex marriage.
The polls say one thing and what straight people *say* to the faces of their gay friends and family members, how they overwhelming have voted country wide, is the exact opposite.
I seriously hope I will live long enough to eat these words (and I would do so gladly) but truthfully, I don't see things changing anytime in the near future.
LOL, NEVER expected to hear a Boney M remake --I had this album in high school!