Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Reach America's High School Anti-Christian Bullying Video Calls For An 'Army' To Save America's Souls

I'm not going to comment on this religion induced child abuse, rather, I'm going too quote another readers very poignant response:
"How many Christian teens have killed themselves due to being bullied?
Name the Christians who have found themselves attacked while holding hands with a another Christian.
Please note the number of occasions with dates and names of Christians not allowed to visit a loved one in hospitals? Or denied access due to the fact they and their partner are Christians?
Can you tell me how many Christians have been refused housing, or lost their job, or refused services because of their faith?
Name those Christians teens who have been kicked out of their homes due to coming out Christian?
Claiming faux persecution when you are in fact the bully is sickening."


  1. Excellent! And how many people of other faiths and other ways of thinking have been killed throughout history by Christians? This is not to say that Christians themselves are persecuted in many parts of the world. But then, because of this fact, they should know better than to continue their persecution of others, in this case, not only bullying, but using or creating laws to hurt other citizens and deny other citizens their rights.

  2. Jordan, all the things you mention were the very things Thomas Jefferson and John Addams feared and is the very reason Jefferson insisted on a judiciary branch to the government, so that self absorbed Christians couldn't impose their religion and ideology onto others.
    It's the very reason I laugh audibly whenever I hear or read some Xtian professing they want us to return to the founding fathers original plan for our country...that only demonstrates to me, their total lack of education and understanding of the principles of those very same founding fathers.
