Thursday, May 16, 2013

US columnist: Homosexuality ‘has destroyed every civilization it has touched’

Fellow contributor, Dave Thompson, wrote a column supporting NBA star Jason Collins for his recent decision to come out as gay, saying many church leaders “have denied the grace of Christ for gay couples,” and commending his bravery.
Jason Collins recently spoke about his sexuality, confirming he is gay in an article in Sports Illustrated magazine. He said: “I’m a 34-year-old NBA center. I’m black. And I’m gay.”
Hutcherson directly addressed Thompson, criticising his column, and compared homosexuality to “gambling, porn, alcohol and drug abuse,” as well as saying it “destroys the family… and eventually the soul”, reports Right Wing Watch.
He wrote: “Your defense of homosexuality is without merit because it has destroyed every civilization it has touched and that is shameful. Let’s stop with the rhetoric and speak in the truest sense of love, and that is what I am about to do.
“Like gambling, porn, alcohol and drug abuse, and sex addition, homosexuality destroys the family like nothing else, and eventually the soul that God turns over to a reprobate mind. (Romans 1: 24-30)
“Mr Thompson, in your desperation to justify this sin of ‘choice,’ you have stated that Jason Collins is brave and you commended him for his stand. You have also stated many conservative pastors agree with you”, he continued.
“Oh please, as we say in Alabama, do you think I fell off the turnip truck to believe such a ludicrous statement? Sir I may have been born at night, but not last night.”
He concluded: “Those who have no concern for his salvation are exploiting Jason Collins. I would be the first person to invite Jason to our church, because we would not condemn him, but love him in the truest sense, being followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And yes, we would help him to understand the true love of Jesus Christ, and not the false hope you would give to him.”

Hmm, with every syllable you uttered Mr. Hutcherson, you prove how truly backward and uneducated you are.
I challenge you to produce one shred of evidence supporting your claim that homosexuality has destroyed cultures...yes, I know what your thinking...the Roman empire...but as a student of cultural antiquities, I can assure you, that's a lie perpetuated by the Roman catholic church.
Rome flourished during the height of social *acceptance* of homosexuality.
It wasn't until the introduction of Christianity and the despotism inherent in corrupt, false teachings and forced ritualistic dogma that the Roman empire began to fail.
Christianity is more to blame for the fall of Rome than any homosexual relationship.
Learn from history folks, fake, lying despot's like Mr. Hutcherson, who seek only to control people for his own glory and to fill bottomless collection plates are what destroys lives and empires, not two people in love.   

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