Monday, June 10, 2013

Anti-Gay Marriage Bigots Disrupt French Open Final

A handful of protesters demonstrated against France's recently approved gay marriage law during the French Open tennis final on Sunday between Spaniards Rafael Nadal and David Ferrer.
One of two shirtless protesters leapt onto the court from the front rows behind the players bench on center court. Wearing a white mask with a red tear, he ignited a flare. The incident occurred at the end of the sixth game of the second set, CBS NEWS reported.
The protester was almost immediately tackled by a security guard, who shuffled him off the court.
A second security guard kept Nadal, the closer of the two players, at bay.
The second shirtless protester was nabbed out of the stands by guards.
Earlier, guards escorted out of the stands two additional protesters carrying a sign which read, “HELP! France TRAMPLES on children's rights!”
I have just one question, what childrens rights are being violating by allowing gays to marry?
It's time for these bigots to grow up and take some responsibility for their own lives and actions.
Quit blaming homosexuals for your own weakness and inability to commit to YOUR relationships and stop trying to blame others for your own inability to provide a safe, loving environment for YOUR children.
GROW THE FUCK UP and take some responsibility for your own lives! 


  1. Ulf,
    The point is about adoption which comes along with the right to marry because in France only married couples are allowed to adopt. To make it simple, 'full' adoption implies a complete break-up with the biological parent. Hence if a child is adopted by 2 men or 2 women, the child will 'lack' the presence of a father or of a mother. This is the damage to childrens' right they are complaining about. Reality is more complex because this break-up requires the biological parent's approval and there is also the 'simple' adoption process with no break-up. It's all the debate here.
    Cheers, Wagner

  2. Hello my friend,
    I'm aware of the whole adoption *issue* but the involvement of the more radical religious fundamentalist and the countless signs, banners and chants directed very negatively at the gay community, aren't exactly endearing qualities for their movement.
    That said, what exactly is wrong with 2 men or 2 women having and raising a child together?
    Bigotry is still bigotry no matter how many coats of paint you want to slap on it.
