Thursday, June 20, 2013

'Ex-Gay' Group Exodus Shuts Down; Alan Chambers Says He's Sorry

The “ex-gay” group Exodus International on Wednesday announced that it was shutting down.
The announcement comes after its president, Alan Chambers, issued an apology to the gay community.
“Exodus International, the oldest and largest Christian ministry dealing with faith and homosexuality announced tonight that it's closing its doors after three-plus decades of ministry,” Exodus wrote in a blog post. “The Board of Directors reached a decision after a year of dialogue and prayer about the organization's place in a changing culture.”
Chambers explained that “for quite some time we've been imprisoned in a worldview that's neither honoring toward our fellow human beings, nor biblical.”
The group's undoing started last year when Chambers began leading Exodus away from supporting therapies aimed at “curing” gay men and lesbians of their sexual orientation. Chambers, who at one point starred in ads for the ministry touting “change is possible,” reversed course, saying such therapies did not work.
The group attempted to walk a fine line between saying that change was not possible but that acting on same-sex attractions was wrong.
Many ministries reacted angrily and some Christian conservatives called for Chambers to resign.
In a blog post on Wednesday, Chambers apologized to “ex-gay” survivors, saying that he had “hurt so many by failing to acknowledge the pain some affiliated with Exodus International caused, and by failing to share the whole truth about my own story.” Chambers last year admitted that his own attractions to other men had not faded.
The announcements come ahead of an Our America episode titled God & Gays which includes an interview with Chambers. In a trailer for Thursday's show, Chambers is seen being confronted by “ex-gay” survivors demanding that the group shut down.
However, whether Exodus is closing or merely renaming itself remains to be seen.
“This is a new season of ministry, to a new generation,” Chambers wrote. “Our goals are to reduce fear, and come alongside churches to become safe, welcoming, and mutually transforming communities”
To that end, the group is already preparing with a new site titled Reduce Fear (
I haven't posted the "apology" Alan wrote, because, though he does state many reasons why his and the groups opinion have evolved and changed, the message is still the same.
No matter what he says, Exodus isn't disappearing, its just slightly repackaging.
Instead of saying they can cure homosexuality, they intend to teach that you can be gay, just don't give into your sexuality and put God first.
They still completely and whole heartily are going to push the: "Gay sex is a sin and to get right with God you have to deny your sexuality and follow Gods plan for you." 
Apology, not accepted Alan, go fuck yourself!   

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