Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Message Of Hope

A GAY rights Facebook post by the Anglican Parish of Gosford has gone viral and become an internet hit.
Father Rod Bower posted a photo of the church's sign board in Mann St with the message "Dear Christians, some people are gay, get over it, Love God" on Wednesday.
Within 24 hours, the post had more than 100,000 hits, 1000 shares and 3000 likes.
Father Bower said he was "overwhelmed" by the massive response.
"Normally one of my posts might get a few thousand views, but nothing like this," he said.
"This has gone international now - there are people liking it all over the world and it is just a little sign in Gosford."
Apart from a handful of negative responses, Father Bower said the reaction was hugely positive and hundreds of people had made supportive comments.
"I have had a number of phone calls and ran into people who have said, 'Good on you this is really great,' also," he said. "I think it shows that it's an important issue and that a lot of people have spiritual questions that are not being met by traditional forms of Christianity."
Father Bower said he put the sign up to tell the wider community there was more than one way to approach gay rights.
"The conservative view is not the only view," he said. "Marriage equality is a hot issue at the moment and it seems the church is struggling to get over this issue.
"I am reflecting on what the spirit of God might be saying in a modern world."

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