Monday, September 30, 2013

Lambda Legal to Challenge Gay Marriage Ban in West Virginia

Now, West Virginia's same-sex marriage ban is going to have its day in court in a lawsuit to be announced tomorrow, the Charleston Gazette reports:
FairnessLambda Legal will hold a press conference at 10 a.m. in Huntington to announce the lawsuit, according to a release from the firm. The group was among those who filed a lawsuit in Virginia in August challenging that state's ban on gay and lesbian marriage.
A spokesman for Lambda Legal wouldn't release details of the West Virginia lawsuit on Monday. According to the group's website, it has been working with Fairness West Virginia, a gay rights group, "to find a way for all same-sex couples and their families in the Mountain State to get equal legal treatment and protections."
Casey Willits, executive director of Fairness West Virginia, would only confirm Monday that Fairness has been working with Lambda.

This is of course, of particular interest for me, because this is the state I currently dwell in.
The lawsuit is a federal lawsuit, something not made clear in the article.


  1. Oh/ you live in WV - where? I'm in sw PA. Once you said you were from so GA - where? Know where Pavo is, by any chance?

  2. I do know where Pavo is, west of where I grew up (Albany, GA)
    I currently live in West Virginia, roughly about 32 miles from WVU (Morgantown)
