Sunday, December 1, 2013

Activist: Catholic Church's Perception As Anti-Gay Is Reality, Not Caricature

A prominent gay rights activist has criticized Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York for dismissing views that the church is anti-gay.

In an interview with Meet the Press, Dolan stated that he church had “been outmarketed sometimes” on the issue of marriage equality.

“We've been caricatured as being anti-gay,” Dolan said.

Rick Garcia, senior policy adviser for the Civil Rights Agenda and a practicing Catholic, pointed to the church's long history of opposing gay rights in criticizing Dolan's remarks.

“Contrary to Cardinal Dolan, the Catholic Church is not being 'caricatured' as antigay,” Garcia said in an emailed statement. “The Church is perceived as anti-gay not because it teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman but because its bishops have lied about gay people and our lives, have demonized us and have persecuted priests, sisters and parishes that minister authentically to gay people and our families. In addition, some bishops have threatened and tried to intimidate Catholic legislators who support equality and justice for all.”

“There are people of good will who do not support same-sex marriage on religious grounds but they do not try to force their personal religious ideology on the nation nor do they attack lesbian and gay people and their families.”

“The Catholic bishops have spent millions of dollars fighting hate crimes legislation and laws banning housing and employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Most egregious the bishops have threatened to not support the immigration reform bill if it includes same-sex couples.”

“The bishops consistently reduce gay people to their genitals and what they do or do not do with them and a number of bishops have supported and promoted dangerous programs that seek to change gay people's sexual orientation. The bishops have opposed any legislation or policy changes that would affirm gay people's right to be treated equitably under the law. That is why the Church is perceived as anti-gay. It is not a caricature it is a sad reality,” Garcia stated.
Dolan is a wolf in sheep's clothing, trying to convince us the Catholic church isn't anti-gay; well Mr. Dolan lets examine that assertion shall we?
Here are just a smattering of headlines from recent news article:

"Catholic Archbishop Calls Passage Of Illinois Gay Marriage A 'Serious Injustice"

"Malta: Catholic bishop claims gay couples do not have a role in society"

"Bishop threatens to excommunicate officials who support gay civil partnerships"

"Catholic church steps up anti-gay marriage effort"

"Catholic archbishop says Satan is pushing for gay marriage"

"Thomas Paprocki, Illinois Bishop, Holds Exorcism Of Gay Marriage Law Despite Protests"

Moral of this story: if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck...well, you get the picture.



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