Friday, January 24, 2014

RNC Chair Reince Priebus Calls on Anti-Gay Michigan RNC Committeeman Dave Agema to Resign

Calls for the resignation of Michigan RNC Committeman Dave Agema are now coming from the top of his party.
Agema, the notoriously anti-gay RNC committeeman who, in the past has said that gays falsely claim people with AIDS as their lovers in order to cheat the system and get free medical benefits, and last week said Russia's anti-gay law is "common sense", is being called on to step down by RNC Chair Reince Priebus, the Washington Blade reports:
Sean Spicer, an RNC spokesperson, tweeted on the second day of the RNC winter meeting in D.C. that Preibus as well as Michigan Republican Chair Bobby Schostak asked for the resignation of RNC committee member Dave Agema.
RNC Chair @reince and @MIGOP Chair @BobbySchostak have called for the resignation of Dave Agema
— Sean Spicer (@seanspicer) January 24, 2014
Kirsten Kukowski, another RNC spokesperson, confirmed the tweet for the Washington Blade, saying “For the good of the party we believe Dave Agema should resign.”

According to the Detroit Free Press, Priebus and Schostak called for Agema to step down shortly after Priebus spoke to the RNC on Friday at the winter meeting about the need to expand the party’s base of voters.

That's rich coming from Reince Priebus who stated back in July:

"I do believe, and I still will tell you that our party believes, that marriage is between one man and one woman. Our party believes that life begins at conception. I think those are foundational issues that aren't going anywhere, but what I have said -- which I don’t think should be controversy at all, and I would think that Christians and pastors and everyone in between should agree -- that our principles have to be draped in the concepts of grace, love and respect and that’s not code language."

Translation...lets pretend to be tolerant but continue treating gays and women as second class citizens.
Sounds like the same old outdated, white male supremacist bullshit that we've come to expect from the GOP. 

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