Friday, April 18, 2014

Russian Lawmaker Vitaly Milonov Pushes To Eradicate Homosexuality

Russian lawmaker Vitaly Milonov wants authorities to shut down gay bars.
Milonov, a member of the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg, introduced and vocally championed the city's ordinance prohibiting the promotion of “gay propaganda” to minors. A similar nationwide law widely criticized in the West was modeled after Milonov's legislation.

Noting bans in Sevastopol, a city in Crimea, Milonov called on Russian lawmakers to approve even more stringent laws against gays.
“St. Petersburg and Moscow should take a cue from Sevastopol and eradicate the experimental practice of sodomy,” Milonov is quoted as saying by Gay Star News.
“We must no longer have gay parades, gay shows and clubs. All social media pages for homosexuals should be removed.”
“If the city needs help removing the evil, then I will certainly help,” added the 40-year-old Milonov.

Expect rhetoric like this to increase as Putin seems determined to follow Adolf Hitlers game plan of "Christian Morality" as a road map to power in his quest to rebuild the Soviet Union.

1 comment:

  1. And I hate to say it but...once again the West will just stand by and let it happen after everyone has tired of the war years in Iraq and Afghanistan. I can't believe how we don't learn from history.

