With all the bullshit flying over the resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich, and now Nom and various other right wing faux-religious terrorist and homosexual self loather Andrew Sullivan, even Liberal ally Bill Maher (who referred to gay activism as the gay mafia) jumping on the bandwagon to condemn us for what they perceived as an attempt to violate Mr. Eich's Constitutional right to be an asshole (which I wholly believe he has and did freely exercise)
It amazes me how completely all these people have missed the point, one I find Markos Moulitsas over at the DailyKos expresses best and more in tune with how I feel about the whole thing:
"Of course this is intolerance. Would Sullivan rush to this guy's defense
if it turned out he was a Grand Wizard in the KKK? Of course not. We
are allowed to be intolerant of people who operate outside the bounds of
civil decency. This wasn't governmental action infringing on any
Constitutional rights. This was Mozilla developers saying they refused
to do work with a bigot, private websites blocking access to the Firefox
browser because they refused to do business with a bigot, and employees
of the firm speaking up because they refused to work for a bigot.
short, it was the free market expressing itself. Eich was perfectly
within his rights to stay at Mozilla, but he would then face a hostile
market and eventually faced the reality that he couldn't do his job in
that environment. The free market spoke, and a free market enterprise
was forced to react."
I might also add, though Eich is no longer the CEO, he still works for Mozilla and probably didn't lose a penny doing so, thus assuring him the ability to continue exercising his Constitutional right to be an asshole and contribute to whatever anti-gay org. his black little heart wants too.
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