Saturday, May 17, 2014

But...What About The Children Amy Kushnir?

Dallas talk show host Amy Kushnir earlier this week stormed out of the studio of DFW’s Morning Show, after a heated discussion about NFL player Michael Sam’s on-air kiss with boyfriend Vito Cammisano.
She said at the time: “When parents do not have a choice whether they want their children to see this — it’s wrong.”
“It’s being pushed in faces. I don’t want to see that. I don’t want to see cake in your face, kissing each other.”
Despite her apparent interest in on-screen moral decency, in February this year Kushnir hosted an eight-minute segment of the same morning show in which she joked and flirted with a group of male strippers.
Introducing the segment, she had said: “Talk about getting your heart pounded. Our next guests are definitely talented in that area.
“They’re part of the Chippendales and here’s a I’m already blushing take a look.”

She proceeded to interview three shirtless members of the group and play a mock-gameshow with them, before being hoisted up in the air by some of the performers.

So Mrs. Kushnir, it's okay for small children to see an adult, MARRIED woman flirt with half nekkid men and be carried around by these men on your morning show, without so much as a warning to parents with small children that you intended too act like a complete slut on morning TV.
As someone recently pointed out:
“When parents do not have a choice whether they want their children to see this — it’s wrong.”
Perhaps you should practice what you preach, we're sick of people like you shoving your chosen *lifestyle* in our faces!
Then again, you do realize, most of the Chippendale dancers are gay right? 

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